Grace and Grit: The Spirit of Women Farmers at Niman Ranch

March 5, 2020
Julia Groenenboom - Niman Ranch Farmer

Julia Groenenboom

After decades of undercounting women and the important role they fulfill as farmers, the USDA’s Census of Agriculture has expanded their definition of “farmer” to include them in their own right, putting a spotlight on these underappreciated but essential members of the agriculture community, nearly half of which, specialize in raising livestock.

When it comes to women who raise animals for Niman Ranch, they are gifted multi-taskers who work hard alongside their husbands and other family members, are natural problem solvers, sometimes do double duty by also having a day job that helps support their family, and they do it all while making it look easy.

In fact, Julia Groenenboom, a farmer from Southeastern Iowa, says that one of the things she enjoys most about farming is the fact that no two days are exactly the same: “I enjoy the variety that each day brings. Tasks may include grinding and unloading feed, operating and fixing machinery, breeding and farrowing. On top of that, I get to be outdoors enjoying sunsets, the changing of seasons, and all of creation up close and personal. I can experience the new life of a piglet and ensure that animal is well cared for through all stages of its life. Being part of Niman Ranch allows me to work in an environment that both the animals and I love.” Julia adds that she is inspired to farm because of the demands farming makes on a person, and because of the challenges inherent in it. Farming encourages a lifelong commitment to learning.

Trisha Zachman

Trisha Zachman, of Feathered Acres Farm, discusses that her love for farming coincides with the chance to work with her family everyday. Trisha grew up on a dairy farm and has the best memories from her childhood working with her family, so she loves getting to connect that way with her own kids. She talks about how teaching her kids to care for animals and learn the value of hard work is priceless. When asked what she would have told her childhood self about farming, she jokes, “You better start learning about pigs!”

Mikala Boor, of Boor Family Farm, also has a lot of adoration for the fact that she can farm with her family. Her own two kids love helping around the farm, and this allows them to have quality family time while doing something they all enjoy together. Mikala explains that she also truly enjoys helping care for the animals. She loves seeing the pigs thriving in an open environment, allowing pigs to be pigs.

Laura Wahl - Niman Ranch Farmer

Laura Wahl

For Laura Wahl, of Wahl Grazing, LLC, which she owns with her parents, Tony and Connie Wahl in Northwestern, Oregon, what inspires her most about ranching is sharing it with the next generation, “Nothing makes ranching seem more worthwhile than when you have a niece or a nephew along to teach things to and share the blessing of working outdoors and with animals.” Something unique to women in agriculture that Laura especially appreciates is the ability to have a career while simultaneously being able to spend time with family. A fifth-generation rancher, Laura’s grandmothers on both sides, as well as her mother, all raised sheep before her. The legacy she inherited from them, even when covered in dirt after a long day of work, is something she truly loves.

Penny Janousek - Niman Ranch Farmer

Penny Janousek

Another thread that runs deep for each of these women farmers is the connection to nature they feel. Penny Janousek, of Northeast Nebraska, says it best when she thinks of seasonal nuances, “The smell of soil in the spring and fresh cut alfalfa in summer,” as well as seeing “a new baby calf standing for the first time.”

And while no one doubts the amount of hard work and challenges all farmers face, there are some issues specific to women farmers that their male counterparts generally don’t have to deal with. For example, how often people, both men and women, direct questions about their farm to her husband Brad instead of to her, assuming that he is the farmer and she is only the farmers wife. “In one instance, a man stood in between Brad and me, turned his back to me and proceed to talk only to Brad about the farm. When he asked Brad a question about an area I typically tend to, Brad said ‘Well, she actually handles all of that,’ and the man literally turned my way and said, ‘Um, yeah, right.’ People in general are surprised to learn about all of my responsibilities and partnership on the farm. I am a lucky woman to have a husband who acknowledges my work, sees me as a true partner, and advocates for my equality in such situations.”

When asked about pieces of advice they would give young women if farming became their chosen career path, the Niman Ranch community of women had great insight: “Always keep your mind open. You never know the route you will take in your agricultural career and you might be surprised what you can learn from others.” “Don’t sweat the small stuff, never give up and be willing to try new ways of doing things – embrace the joy of learning.” “Work hard. Be true to yourself and your values. See things from another’s point of view and keep your next move to yourself. Being a female in a man’s world requires you to work smarter and harder.” Smarter and harder is second nature to all of these women, and farming in this country is better off because of them.

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